

中国千禧一代 快消品网购生力军_澳门十大娱乐网站平台

来源:点击:时间:2024-09-23 02:19
本文摘要:Online sales of fast-moving consumer goods in China are growing seven times quicker than in the US as some 415m Chinese millennials buy daily items over their phones, a study has found.一项研究找到,大约4.15亿中国千禧一代通过手机出售日常生活用品,使得中国较慢消费品(FMCG)在线销售的增长速度超过了美国的7倍。

Online sales of fast-moving consumer goods in China are growing seven times quicker than in the US as some 415m Chinese millennials buy daily items over their phones, a study has found.一项研究找到,大约4.15亿中国千禧一代通过手机出售日常生活用品,使得中国较慢消费品(FMCG)在线销售的增长速度超过了美国的7倍。Over the five years to 2015, China’s online sales of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) grew at an average of 78.4 per cent, far outstripping a 10.7 per cent growth rate in the US and a 7.9 per cent rise in the UK, according to a report by OCC, a consultancy. In total, online FMCG sales hit $25.3bn in 2015, more than the US and UK totals put together.咨询公司OCC的一份报告表明,2011年至2015年间,中国快消品在线销售平均值增长速度为78.4%,近超强美国的10.7%和英国的7.9%。2015年,中国在线快消品销售总额约253亿美元,比英美两国特一起还多。

The figures suggest the growing influence of millennials, born in the last two decades of the 20th century, on consumer trends in the world’s second-largest economy. “They live a very busy life, on average working 8.3 more hours per week than [richer] OECD countries,” said the OCC report. “As such, consumers’ need for convenience has fuelled the surging demand to buy FMCG online anywhere, anytime.”上述数据表明出生于20世纪最后20年的千禧一代,对世界第二大经济体消费趋势的日益增长的影响力。“他们过着十分辛苦的生活,与(较富足的)经合组织(OECD)国家比起,他们平均值每周多工作8.3个小时,”OCC的报告称之为,“因此,消费者对便捷的必须助推了随时随地在线出售快消品的市场需求剧增。

”Millennials are set to dominate China’s consumer landscape over the next decade as their average annual incomes grow from $5,900 in 2014 to $13,000 in 2024, according to Goldman Sachs, an investment bank. In 2024, the total annual income of the group is set to be $5.4tn — or double the size of current UK gross domestic product.根据投资银行高盛(Goldman Sachs)的预测,随着中国千禧一代的平均值年收入从2014年的5900美元快速增长至2024年的1.3万美元,他们不致将主导中国未来10年的消费格局。到2024年,这一群体的总计年收入将超过5.4万亿美元——是目前英国国内生产总值(GDP)的两倍。

Millennials’ drive to spend money enjoying themselves is also evident in the surging sales of cinema tickets, international travel, pet food, water purifiers and probiotic yoghurt last year. Such products, often unavailable to past generations, also provide interludes for millions of young people who otherwise have to cope with long working hours, chronic traffic and heavy levels of pollution.千禧一代乐意花钱享用还反映在去年电影票、出境旅行、宠物食品、净水器及益生菌酸奶销量剧增上。这些产品(一般来说是过去几代人享用将近的)还为无数年轻人获取了在长时间工作、承受交通拥堵和相当严重污染之余的绝佳的闲暇。

Although indicative of China’s defining consumer trends, the online sales of FMCG account for just 5 per cent of total retail e-commerce in the country last year, according to OCC’s research. The retail e-commerce market is projected to reach to $911bn this year and could reach $1.57tn in 2018, according to China Internet Watch, a research group.OCC的研究找到,虽然代表着中国的决定性消费趋势,但快消品在线销售仅有占到去年中国零售电商市场的5%。根据研究机构“中国互联网仔细观察”(China Internet Watch),今年中国零售电商市场预计将超过9110亿美元,2018年或将超过1.57万亿美元。Such growth is not only underpinned by shifting consumer habits. Big e-commerce companies, including Alibaba and JD.com, have been investing heavily in building logistics systems to support faster delivery times. JD.com has seven “mega” warehouses, 234 large warehouses and 6,756 delivery warehouses across China, helping it to achieve a two-hour FMCG delivery time for consumers in 18 cities across China, OCC said.如此较慢的快速增长不只依赖消费习惯改变的承托。


The online FMCG boom has also been positive for foreign companies. When Costco, a US retailer, decided in 2014 to sell food via Tmall, a subsidiary of Alibaba, it was “shocked and surprised” to ship $3.5m in merchandise on Single’s Day alone, the company said. Single’s Day, a discount online shopping day promoted by Alibaba, is the equivalent of Cyber Monday and Black Friday in the US. It falls each year on November 11.中国快消品在线销售的疯狂对外国公司也是好消息。美国零售商好市多(Costco) 回应,2014年要求通过阿里巴巴旗下天猫商城(Tmall)销售食品时,它被“光棍节”(Single’s Day)一天就售出350万美元商品“大吃一惊了”。每年11月11日的光棍节是阿里巴巴发售的在线购物折扣日,相等于美国的“网购星期一”(Cyber Monday)和“黑色星期五”(Black Friday)。

