


来源:点击:时间:2024-09-13 02:19
本文摘要:India’s capital city said it was banning “surge pricing” by US-based taxi-hailing app Uber and its local rival Ola, highlighting the challenges the companies still face in what they see as a vast, potentially lucrative market. 印度大城德里回应,将禁令总部坐落于美国的叫车应用于优步(Uber)及本土竞争对手Ola实施“高峰期定价”。

India’s capital city said it was banning “surge pricing” by US-based taxi-hailing app Uber and its local rival Ola, highlighting the challenges the companies still face in what they see as a vast, potentially lucrative market. 印度大城德里回应,将禁令总部坐落于美国的叫车应用于优步(Uber)及本土竞争对手Ola实施“高峰期定价”。此举凸显在这个被这些企业视作极大且潜在有利可图的市场,它们仍然面对着种种挑战。Surge pricing is a computer-driven, dynamic pricing system — similar to the one used by airlines — that raises fares when demand for rides outstrips the supply of available taxis. 高峰期定价是一种由电脑实行的动态定价体系——与航空公司的定价体系类似于,这种定价体系不会在乘坐市场需求多达等候载客的出租车的供应量时提升车费。In India, that means cab fares may rise six to seven times higher than the base fare at peak periods. The taxi aggregating companies say the higher fares help balance demand and supply. 在印度,这种机制意味著高峰期的车费可能会升到基础车费的六到七倍。

这几家调度出租车的企业回应,较高的车费有助均衡市场需求与供给。But Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi’s chief minister, called surge pricing “daylight robbery” in a series of tweets and said it would not be permitted in the Indian capital, where both Ola and Uber have developed large fleets. 然而,德里首席部长阿尔温德凯杰里瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)在Twitter上公布一系列消息称之为,高峰期定价是“光天化日下的偷窃”,并回应印度大城会容许这种作法。

目前,Ola和优步在德里都发展了大规模车队。“Some taxis are saying they will not provide a cab if they are not allowed to loot,” Mr Kejriwal said. “This is open blackmailing and the government will not let that happen.” 凯杰里瓦尔回应:“有些出租车公司回应,如果不容许他们赚到这个赚钱,他们就会车上。这是公开发表勒索,政府会容许这种事情再次发生。

” Mr Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi (Common Man) party government is considering setting a “price band” that places limits on what taxi-hailing apps may charge. Indian authorities also set the fares of standard taxis and autorickshaws, keeping a lid on prices, while simultaneously restricting the number of taxi and rickshaw licences to keep supply tight. 凯杰里瓦尔的平民党(Aam Aadmi party)政府正在考虑到制订“价格区间”,对叫车应用于的收费加以容许。印度当局也为标准的出租车和三轮摩托制订了收费标准,保证车费有一定下限。同时,印度当局还严苛容许出租车和三轮摩托的牌照,以保证供应正处于紧张状态。

Surge pricing by taxi aggregators — who have put tens of thousands of private taxis on the streets — aggravated Mr Kejriwal last week, as New Delhi began the second phase of its anti-air pollution “odd-even” scheme. The scheme restricts the use of private cars in the city to every other day, depending on their licence plate number. 在新德里开始实行对付空气污染的“单双号”计划第二阶段之际,出租车开会公司(这些公司向大街小巷投入数万辆私人出租车)的高峰期定价在上周激怒了凯杰里瓦尔。“单双号”计划容许私家车在德里不能依照牌照的号码隔天用于。

As demand for Uber and Ola taxis soared as a result, so did complaints about surge pricing. On Monday, Mr Kejriwal threatened “strict action”, including cancelling the permits and impounding vehicles charging more than government-prescribed rates. 由于“单双号”计划造成对优步和Ola出租车市场需求剧增,人们对高峰期定价的滋扰也急遽减少。本周一,凯杰里瓦尔威胁要“采行严苛措施”,其中还包括撤消许可证,以及充公收费低于政府规定价格的车辆。After his warning both companies said they were suspending surge pricing during the “odd-even” pilot programme, due to end on April 30. Delhi commuters then appealed to Mr Kejriwal to ban surge pricing in the capital permanently, which he says he will do. 在凯杰里瓦尔明确提出警告之后,两家企业皆回应,在“单双号”计划全面推行期间停止实行高峰期定价,全面推行阶段订于4月30日完结。

在两家企业表态之后,德里的通勤者敦促凯杰里瓦尔永久禁令在该市实行高峰期定价,后者也回应将不会这么做到。“We are not against taxi aggregators. We fully support them. But they will have to follow law,” the chief minister tweeted. 这位首席部长在Twitter上发消息称之为:“我们不是赞成出租车开会公司。我们几乎反对它们。不过它们必需遵从法律。

