


来源:点击:时间:2024-09-07 02:19
本文摘要:Smart Beehive Is The Latest Buzz Among Beekeepers!

Smart Beehive Is The Latest Buzz Among Beekeepers!养蜂福利——智能蜂巢Honey, the rich gold liquid that we all love is the miraculous creation of industrious honey bees. However, while the delicious sweetener has been used for over 8,000 years, extracting it is still a laborious process that is stressful for both humans and bees大家都爱吃的黄澄澄的蜂蜜是辛勤的蜜蜂的最出色建构。虽然人类享用香甜的蜂蜜有数8000多年之幸,萃取蜂蜜对人类和蜜蜂来说仍是繁复的过程。The process begins with a smoker to try keep bees calm. Beekeepers then split the boxes from the hive, remove the frames and cut the wax caps off from the honeycombs. After the honey is drained, they re-attach the frames inside the hives so that bees can start making honey all over again. In addition to being long and tedious, the process inevitably results in a sting or two. The archaic method also disorients bees and in some cases, even causes them to abandon their hives.所取蜜首先要用烟把蜜蜂粪暗,然后把蜂脾从蜂箱里放入来,把覆盖面积在蜂巢上的蜜蜡割去。蜂蜜放入来后,采蜂人把蜂脾新的放进蜂巢,这样蜜蜂就可以新的开始产蜜。

这个过程不仅单调且耗时很长,还不免被蜜蜂蜇伤。传统的方式在某些方面还不会被打乱蜜蜂的节奏,甚至造成它们退出蜂巢。Now, thanks to Flow Hive, there may be a way to extract honey in a simpler, less stressful manner. Hailed as the first evolutionary change in beekeeping equipment in more than 150 years, the radical design is the brainchild of third-generation beekeepers Cedar and Stuart Anderson.现在Flow Hive的问世,使采蜜显得更为非常简单便利。

它由Cedar和Stuart Anderson发明者,是自150多年前采蜜技术改良后的又一次创意。The Australian father and son team who have been working on perfecting the hive design for over a decade, achieved this by re-configuring honeycombs. Unlike current hives that allow bees to build the entire honeycomb, Flow Hives come equipped with sets of half-built plastic honeycombs that face each other. The industrious bees then complete the job by connecting the half-built combs, filling them up with honey and covering them with wax.这对澳洲养蜂父子档花上了十年时间来研究蜂箱的重置,最后才发明者出有了Flow Hive。

Flow Hive不像传统蜂箱那样让蜜蜂自辟蜂巢,它提早准备好了横向比较的半个塑料蜂巢,然后让勤俭的蜜蜂去已完成只剩的半个,在里面产蜜,然后用蜂蜡覆盖面积蜂巢。When its time to harvest, beekeepers simply turn a key which splits open the plastic combs vertically. This allows the golden honey to flow to a sealed trough that is situated at the base of the frame and out of the hive. Once all the honey has been drained, a turn of the key resets the plastic combs back into the original positions, allowing the bees to restart the process.到了进账的时节,养蜂人只需通过按键把塑料蜂巢横向关上,金黄的蜂蜜就不会顺着蜂巢底部相连独自的内槽流出来。蜂蜜流光后,只需再度按键把关上的塑料蜂巢凑齐才可,然后就可以让蜜蜂之后产蜜了。


