


来源:点击:时间:2024-08-08 02:19
本文摘要:China is developing new bullet trains with a speed up to 400 kph, said a leading figure in the countrys high-speed railway technology development.中国高速铁路技术发展的一位领军人物回应,中国正在研发时速高达400公里每小时的新型子弹头列车。

China is developing new bullet trains with a speed up to 400 kph, said a leading figure in the countrys high-speed railway technology development.中国高速铁路技术发展的一位领军人物回应,中国正在研发时速高达400公里每小时的新型子弹头列车。Ding Rongjun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that China was also researching the next generation magnetic-levitation train with a top speed of 600 kph, at a press conference last Monday.中国工程院院士丁荣军上周一在一场新闻发布会上称,中国也在研究最低时速约600公里每小时的下一代磁悬浮列车。We are now focusing on how to link TV signals to the trains so that passengers will be able to enjoy films on window-turned screens, Ding said.丁荣军说:“我们现在的重点是如何将电视信号相连到列车上,这样乘客就可以在窗户的屏幕上喜爱电影了。

”A permanent magnet drive system has been added to trains and is undergoing assessment, he said, adding that automatic and unmanned drive technology will be used in the future.他回应,永磁驱动系统早已装车,目前正在展开评估。他补足称之为,未来还将用于自动驾驶和无人驾驶技术。The maximum speed of Chinas bullet trains rose to 350 kph, when the Fuxing (Rejuvenation) bullet trains started operation between Beijing and Shanghai on September 21, 2017.2017年9月21日,复兴号子弹头列车在北京和上海之间开始运行时,中国子弹头列车的最低时速下降到了350公里每小时。The Fuxing trains are a substantial upgrade on the previous Hexie (Harmony) bullet trains. Entirely designed and manufactured in China, the Fuxing train is more spacious and energy-efficient, with longer service life and better reliability.复兴号列车是对以前的和谐号高速列车的一次根本性升级。


