

澳门十大娱乐网站平台:我国空间站方案已确定 2024年或成太空中唯一

来源:点击:时间:2024-04-10 02:19
本文摘要:China may be the only country to have a space station in service by 2024 when the International Space Station retires, said Lei Fanpei, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.中国航天科技集团董事长雷凡培日前回应,到2024年国际空间站除役时,中国有可能沦为唯一享有服役空间站的国家。

China may be the only country to have a space station in service by 2024 when the International Space Station retires, said Lei Fanpei, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.中国航天科技集团董事长雷凡培日前回应,到2024年国际空间站除役时,中国有可能沦为唯一享有服役空间站的国家。Lei said that China plans to launch the experimental core module of its space station around 2018, and the 20 ton combination space station will be sent into orbit around 2022.雷凡培称之为,我国计划在2018年前后升空空间站试验性核心舱,2022年前后升空20吨级的组合式空间站。

Chinas space station will include a core module and two lab modules, with ports that will allow multiple spacecraft to dock, according to Lei.据雷凡培回应,我国空间站将还包括一个核心舱和两个实验舱,有多个交会对接口,能构建多飞行器同时接入。After that, a manned spacecraft and cargo spacecraft will travel between the space station and the Earth to provide supplies.此后,载人飞船、货运飞船将在空间站和地球之间来往、展开给养。The space station has a designed life of 10 years in orbit 400 km above the earth surface. Astronauts can stay at the space station for over one year.我国空间站的设计寿命为10年,在距地面400公里的轨道上运营。

航天员可在空间站待命1年以上。With this space station, China will become the second country after Russia to have developed a space station, Lei said.预计,中国将沦为时隔俄罗斯之后第2个已完成空间站建设的国家。China in 1992 made a three-step strategy for its manned space program, the large-scale manned space station being the last step.中国于1992年为载人航天计划明确提出了三步走战略,大型载人空间站是其中的最后一步。

In the middle of October, the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft will transport two taikonauts to Tiangong-2. They will stay there for 30 days.在今年10月中旬,神舟11号飞船将不会把两位两位航天员运输到天宫二号,他们将在那里待命30天。

