

谷歌应用商店Google Play欲借道网易入华|澳门十大娱乐网站平台

来源:点击:时间:2024-07-04 02:19
本文摘要:Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc, Chinas second-largest online games provider, to bring its Google Play mobile app store to the Chinese mainland, according to The Information, a US news portal, which cited people familiar with the matter.美国新闻门户网站The Information近日援引知情人士消息称之为,谷歌公司于是以与中国第二大在线游戏提供商网易公司磋商,意欲将谷歌旗下的移动应用于商店谷歌Play引进中国大陆。

Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc, Chinas second-largest online games provider, to bring its Google Play mobile app store to the Chinese mainland, according to The Information, a US news portal, which cited people familiar with the matter.美国新闻门户网站The Information近日援引知情人士消息称之为,谷歌公司于是以与中国第二大在线游戏提供商网易公司磋商,意欲将谷歌旗下的移动应用于商店谷歌Play引进中国大陆。Google and NetEase did not respond to requests for comment amid the buzz that Google may be mulling a comeback in the worlds largest mobile internet market.谷歌和网易两家公司目前皆并未对有关谷歌可能会考虑到在全球仅次于的移动互联网市场东山再起的置评做出对此。Sandy Shen, a Beijing-based research director at technology consultancy Gartner Inc, said forming a partnership with local players could help Google get a green light from the Chinese government.技术咨询公司低德纳北京研究主管沈哲怡回应,与本土公司合作有助谷歌取得中国政府的许可。The Cyberspace Administration of China issued a new regulation in January saying app store operators need to register with the local government before rolling out services.网信筹办今年1月公布新规称之为,应用于商店运营商在发售服务前需在地方政府处备案。

Thats perhaps why Google is reportedly considering a joint venture. NetEase can offer lots of help in government relations, she said.沈哲怡说:“这或许是有报导称之为谷歌考虑到开设合资公司的原因。网易在政府关系方面能获取许多协助。”Wang Xiaofeng, a senior analyst at Forrester Research Inc, says any relaunch of Google Play will be welcomed by Chinese users because the app store still has a strong reputation in the country.弗雷斯特研究公司的高级分析师王晓峰回应,谷歌Play的重回认同不会受到中国用户的青睐,因为该应用于商店在中国仍旧具有出众的声誉。

The move also came after Apple Inc raked in millions of dollars from China. In the third quarter of 2016, Chinese consumers spent $1.7 billion at Apples iOS mobile app store, more than five times what they spent just two years ago.这一行径也是在苹果公司从中国市场取得数百万美元收益之后开始展开的。在2016年第三季度,中国消费者在苹果的iOS移动应用于商店总计花费了17亿美元,这一数字为两年前的5倍。

