

“澳门十大娱乐网站平台”Fitbit欲借IPO与Apple Watch竞争

来源:点击:时间:2024-06-22 02:19
本文摘要:Fitbit and some of its shareholders hope to raise up to $478m in its initial public offering, giving the wearables maker additional fuel to race against rivals from Apple and Samsung to Jawbone and Xiaomi.可穿着设备制造商Fitbit及其部分股东期望通过首次公开发表认购(IPO)筹措4.78亿美元资金,为自己与从苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)到卓邦(Jawbone)和小米(Xiaomi)的各类竞争对手长跑打气。

Fitbit and some of its shareholders hope to raise up to $478m in its initial public offering, giving the wearables maker additional fuel to race against rivals from Apple and Samsung to Jawbone and Xiaomi.可穿着设备制造商Fitbit及其部分股东期望通过首次公开发表认购(IPO)筹措4.78亿美元资金,为自己与从苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)到卓邦(Jawbone)和小米(Xiaomi)的各类竞争对手长跑打气。In a key test of public-market investors’ appetites for new consumer device makers, the maker of fitness trackers set an initial pricing range of $14-$16 yesterday, after filing to go public last month.这家健美追踪设备制造商在上月递交了上市申请人,并于昨日确认了初始发行价区间为每股14美元到16美元。这场IPO将测试公开市场投资者有多大的兴趣投资新创消费设备制造商。

Fitbit intends to sell 22.4m shares, raising up to $358m for general corporate purposes, at the top end of the range, while existing investors, including the company’s founders, will sell 7.5m shares for up to $120m.Fitbit计划发售2240万股,按照上述定价区间的高端计算出来,将可筹措3.58亿美元资金用作一般性企业用途。同时,还包括创始人在内的现有投资者将出售750万股,最低买入1.2亿美元。The IPO could value Fitbit at more than $3bn, putting it on a par with Jawbone, one of its main rivals in the market for fitness wearables. It raised $300m in debt from BlackRock about a month ago.按照IPO发行价计算出来,Fitbit的估值有可能多达30亿美元,与卓邦不相上下——后者是Fitbit在可穿着健美设备市场的主要输掉之一。

约一个月前,Fitbit还曾通过向贝莱德(BlackRock)负债,筹得3亿美元。But the flotation comes as the listings market has slowed dramatically. US-listed IPOs total less than $15bn year-to-date, the slowest pace since 2010.不过,目前新股上市节奏早已显著上升。

今年目前为止,美国市场上的IPO融资总规模还将近150亿美元,为2010年以来的最低水平。Fitbit’s pitch to prospective investors shows it is profitable and growing fast, with plans to expand into broader consumer-health services.在针对潜在投资者的宣传中,Fitbit自称为是一家具备盈利能力、快速增长很快的企业,并计划将业务扩展至更大范围的消费者身体健康服务领域。

