


来源:点击:时间:2024-05-31 02:19
本文摘要:Ben Silbermann, Pinterest: going global, modestlyBen Silbermann screws up his face as he considers what he could buy now he has been officially declared a billionaire by Forbes.虽然本西尔伯曼(Ben Silbermann)早已月被《福布斯》(Forbes)宣告沦为一名亿万富翁,但他此时于是以眉头紧锁,思维该买些什么。

Ben Silbermann, Pinterest: going global, modestlyBen Silbermann screws up his face as he considers what he could buy now he has been officially declared a billionaire by Forbes.虽然本西尔伯曼(Ben Silbermann)早已月被《福布斯》(Forbes)宣告沦为一名亿万富翁,但他此时于是以眉头紧锁,思维该买些什么。As Pinterest co-founder and chief executive, he helped create the clean, white online scrapbook where more than 100m users catalogue their desires. The 33-year-old has some 750,000 followers of his pins on subjects including art, recipes and a travel bucket list. But he does not have a “billionaire” pinboard for the life stage that crept up on him as Pinterest became one of the world’s most valuable technology start-ups.作为Pinterest牵头创始人兼任首席执行官,他协助创立了这个简练、白色的在线剪贴簿网站,有逾1亿用户在上面分类珍藏自己的心愿物品。

33岁的西尔伯曼在Pinterest下有大约75万粉丝,他共享的图片主题涵括艺术、食谱及旅行心愿表格。但在Pinterest沦为世界最不具价值的科技初创公司之一时,他并没为这一悄悄邻近的人生阶段设置一块“亿万富翁”心愿剪贴板。Sitting in a small meeting room below a poster that reads “Say the hard thing”, he hesitates. “I want to buy a new camera but I haven’t gotten around to it,” he says. “I really love photography...I can’t think of anything that’s journalist-worthy or exciting.”躺在一间悬挂有“讲出艰难”标语的小会议室里,他变得有些犹豫不决。

“我想要卖一台新的照相机,但还没有要求好,”他说道,“我知道很讨厌摄影……我想不出任何其他有一点报导或令人兴奋的事情。”He is not part of the tech scene in San Francisco, but the “guys with young kids scene” — worlds he insists do not overlap. His Pinterest boards map his path to becoming “super grown up”. That journey went from stints as a consultant and at Google, to founding the start-up six years ago, to fathering two young children. His pinned pictures include sleek, wooden designer chairs for his first apartment without roommates, bouquets for his wedding and gifts for his children.他不是典型的旧金山科技人士,而是那种“有童心的男人”——他否认这两个世界没重合。他的Pinterest剪贴板描绘出他沦为“超级成年人”的茁壮历程——从兼任咨询顾问、供职谷歌(Google),到六年前创立Pinterest,再行到沦为两个孩子的父亲。

他在Pinterest上共享的图片还包括为自己首个没室友的公寓加到的造型典雅的木制设计师座椅、自己婚礼上的花束以及给孩子们的礼物。Pinterest’s $11bn valuation, despite being only a year into generating revenue, is the result of it being unashamedly commercial.Unlike with some other Silicon Valley “unicorns”, or highly valued private start-ups, few have questioned whether a platform filled with devoted planners of decorating, camping weekends and celebratory meals would make money. Advertisers clamoured to get on the app before it even began to sell adverts.虽然构建创收才一年时间,但Pinterest毅然决然的商业化已使公司估值超过110亿美元。


But for Mr Silbermann, Pinterest is more than a fancy, interactive shopping list. He is modest enough not to proselytise about an innovation revolution and jet off to see world leaders, unlike some tech entrepreneurs. But he does say Pinterest is changing the world by encouraging people to improve their lives, one everyday activity at a time.但对西尔伯曼而言,Pinterest某种程度是一个别出心裁的互动式购物表格。他十分谦虚,并不期望像某些科技企业家那样引导一场创意革命,或者乘坐喷气式飞机去会见各种世界级领导人。但他显然回应,Pinterest正在通过希望人们提高自己的生活(每次提高一项日常活动)来转变世界。“What would make me really happy five years from now was if [Pinterest] was really this global place where you could access the whole world’s ideas and they were just brought to you, totally personalised to you, every single day.”“如果五年后Pinterest能确实沦为一个全球聚集地,在这里,你每天都可以认识到全世界的各种创新,它们全都呈现出在你眼前,几乎为你个人自定义,那么我会确实感到高兴。

”Pinterest was founded in 2010 by Mr Silbermann, Evan Sharp, chief creative officer, and Paul Sciarra, who left in 2010. Despite its male founders being keen to create a space for online collections, based on their geeky passions from bugs to design, it gained an early reputation as a social network for women shoppers, and above all else, a wedding emporium, stemming from its first nexus of committed users in Mr Silbermann’s native Midwest. But now about a third of US internet users have Pinterest accounts, according to the Pew Research Center, and it has a small but growing male audience encouraged to follow topics such as “man cave” and “survival skills”.2010年,西尔伯曼与首席创新官埃文夏普(Evan Sharp)以及保罗夏拉(Paul Sciarra)联合创办了Pinterest。夏拉后于同年离开了。虽然Pinterest的男性创始人对从安全漏洞到设计的东西抱着有疯狂激情,由此期望创立一个在线分类珍藏空间,但该网站从一开始就作为女性购物者社交网络而著称,特别是在是,它真是是婚礼订购吉尼斯世界纪录,这主要归功于来自西尔伯曼美国中西部家乡的第一批心目中用户。

但如今,根据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的数据,大约三分之一的美国互联网用户享有Pinterest账号,而且更加多的Pinterest男性用户(虽然目前较较少)被希望注目“男人的私人空间”、“存活技能”等话题。Pinterest’s next project is going global.Pinterest的下一步计划是南北全球。About 45 per cent of its users are outside the US and it has offices in the UK, France, Germany and Brazil. This shift can be seen at the Pinterest headquarters in SoMa, San Francisco’s start-up centre. The large former warehouse is, like the app, a temple to clean, white lines, with sunlight pouring through a swimming pool-sized skylight on to a central communal dining room. Like the pins on Pinterest, the office displays projects made by staff. On a previous visit, a wooden swing built by the legal team hung from the ceiling; this time, a board displays the flags of its five target countries in Lego.Pinterest大约45%的用户在美国以外地区,公司在英国、法国、德国及巴西另设办事处。


Many social platforms do not target countries, because adoption soars naturally when users recruit their friends to chat. But Pinterest needs to make a concerted effort country by country because people come for content, not conversation. Users want pins in the right language, with projects suitable for the local climate or cuisine and shops they can buy from — and so Pinterest must encourage content providers on to the platform first.很多社交平台并不以国家为目标,因为当用户纳来朋友聊天时,注册量大自然不会攀升。但Pinterest须要逐一国家地作出协商希望,因为人们指定Pinterest为的是内容,而不是为了聊天。

用户期望用地道的语言共享图片,话题不应合适当地气候或美食以及他们购物的商店——因此,Pinterest必需首先希望内容提供者指定其平台。Pinterest has 10 researchers who travel the world trying to understand how people might use the site. Mr Silbermann will embark on a global tour in June, saying he loves to learn about brand “mainstays” in other countries, such as the UK retailer John Lewis.Pinterest有10名研究人员,他们环游世界,设法理解人们或将如何用于其网站。西尔伯曼将于6月开始一次环球旅行,他回应,自己讨厌理解其他国家的“支柱”品牌,如英国零售商John Lewis。

Pinterest rejects the social network tag, preferring to compare itself to Google: a place where people look for things, not people. “I don’t think the comparison is meant to be in size but rather in the spirit of building a tool that everyone can use to help make their life better,” he says. “Google, I think of as really about retrieving information. Pinterest is really about almost pushing you ideas that you’ve never seen before.”Pinterest拒绝接受被张贴上社交网络的标签,更喜欢将自己比作谷歌——一个人们去找东西、而非去找人的地方。“我不是说道要在规模上与谷歌展开较为,而是我们都本着打造出一款工具的精神,让每个人都可以用它协助自己改善生活,”他说道,“我指出谷歌确实做到的是检索信息。Pinterest确实做到的是唤起你从未有过的启发。

”“Whether it is television or a social network, [advertisers] feel that their ads have to pull people’s attention away because people aren’t there to talk about new ideas,” he says.“无论是电视还是社交网络,(广告商)指出他们的广告必需把人们的注意力更有到别的地方,因为人们会在那里辩论新创意,”他说道。The start-up will need to seduce marketers on a larger scale to grow into its valuation. Only 10 minutes’ walk away, Twitter provides a warning of what Pinterest could become if user growth fails to live up to high expectations; its shares are down by two-thirds in the past year. Mr Silbermann takes comfort in the fact Pinterest has followed the latest Silicon Valley trend: to stay private for longer. This means he can focus on improving performance, rather than on how he communicates about expectations.Pinterest必须更有大量营销人员,以便让公司规模平上估值。距离Pinterest走路仅有10分钟的Twitter获取了一项警告,即如果用户快速增长约将近低期望值,Pinterest不会变为什么样子;过去一年,Twitter的股价上升了三分之二。让西尔伯曼深感难过的是,Pinterest跟上了硅谷的近期潮流:在更长时期内维持私有。

这意味著他可以专心提高业绩,而不是如何就市场的希望展开交流。The venture capital Pinterest has raised — a total of $1.3bn from investors including fund manager Fidelity, Japanese retailer Rakuten and Silicon Valley VC SV Angel— has enabled him to hire smart people that can make products, he says, such as those improving search and computer vision, a way of understanding image data.他说道,Pinterest筹得的风险资本——从还包括富达基金(Fidelity)、日本零售商乐天(Rakuten)和硅谷风投公司SV Angel在内的投资者总计取得13亿美元——使他需要聘用做到得出结论产品的英才,比如那些需要提高搜寻和计算机视觉(一种看懂图像数据的方式)的人才。Neither he nor Mr Sharp, who went to architecture school, are software engineers and unlike many technology companies, Pinterest does not prioritise engineering above all else. If Mr Silbermann evangelises about anything, it is knitting — and not the woolly kind. “One of the values of the company is ‘knitting’ and the premise of it is that if you bring really diverse disciplines together, you can produce something better.” Pinterest employs a star engineer who wanted to be a cartoonist, a “world class” design team and former journalists.他与建筑学院毕业的夏普都不是软件工程师,而且与许多科技公司有所不同的是,Pinterest没将工程师放到高于一切的方位。如果西尔伯曼有什么秘籍的话,就是编织——当然不是织毛衣。

“公司的价值观之一是‘编织’,前提是,如果你将确实有所不同的学科融合在一起,你就需要建构出有更佳的东西。”Pinterest聘用了一名期望沦为漫画家的明星工程师,一个“世界级”设计团队以及多名前记者。This week, the company, including the nascent international teams, will gather in San Francisco for the annual “KnitCon”. Last year, employees gave classes on wine-tasting, writing screenplays and amateur locksmithery.不久前,公司员工(还包括新的重新组建的国际团队)齐聚在旧金山参与一年一度的“编织会议”(KnitCon)。

去年,员工们兼任老师,教教大家品酒、写出电影剧本和当业余锁匠。Mr Silbermann’s eyes light up as he talks about the event, excited to be at the back of the class learning, rather than in the uncomfortable position of preaching to the company from the front. “I don’t know, I feel like I talk to the company too much,” he says.谈及这件事时,西尔伯曼眼前一亮。躺在教室后面自学让他激动,而在员工面前讲话则让他深感不难受。“我不告诉,我实在我对公司员工谈得过于多了,”他说道。

